Jun Hu

I am a staff research scientist at Facebook AR/VR.

I was a research engineer lead at Apple camera algorithm (until May 2020). During my tenure at Apple Inc, I am lucky to lead or involve in the research and engineering works behind Deep Fusion, Smart HDR, Smart Camera, Portrait Mode and Burst mode.

I received PhD degree from Duke University in 2014 and I earned my bachelor degree from Wuhan University in 2009. During my PhD, I was an intern at Nvidia research with Dr. Kari Pulli and Dr. Orazio Gallo in Fall 2011 and Spring 2013.

I am interested in computer vision, machine learning, image processing and engineering.

Selected PhD Publications

Jun Hu, Orazio Gallo, Kari Pulli and Xiaobai Sun
HDR Deghosting: How to deal with Saturation ?
CVPR, Portland, Oregon, June 2013

Jun Hu, Orazio Gallo and Kari Pulli
Exposure Stacks of Live Scene With Hand-held Cameras
ECCV, Florence, Italy, Oct. 2012